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Chasin' Lines

~This composition is what it feels like to scream down a trail on a mountain bike~

Rippin' down the side chasin' a line
Screamin' through the pines genius inspired
Send it over giants, float above a wave of callous vale
Screech into the silence, sheets of terra hail across that trail

Sweet adrenaline my veins bleed fire
Seep into my ride, souls hardwired
Soar across the ridgeline, lovers cross to race that finish line
Centered in the fall line, leaving all my obstacles behind

Raging, reckless, all the things you're not supposed to be on any given day
Crazy, audacious, say a prayer, close your eyes forever I'm
Blazing, thoughtless, leave your mind behind in the wake of a soulgrind
Amazing, this craving, say a prayer close your eyes, draw your line

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